I love Harlequin category series novels. I love the Kimani line, the Steeple Hill Love Inspired line, and the SPICE line. I invest in books. I am one of those people who subscribe to the monthly series and review the websites for works from my favorite authors. When I can find a copy of Romantic Times, I carefully study it and then pick out which books I will order from Amazon. I can spend anywhere from $20-$40+ dollars a month on books.
I recently won a membership to SavvyAuthors.com and began reading the wonderful blogs of the authors there. The stories that they were promoting looked fantastic and so I took the plunge and purchased a few short stories that sounded good. The price was right. $2.00-$3.00 for a short story. I fell in love. The stories are just the right length, are very well written and entertaining. I like them better than some of the Harlequin stories.
I have found that I am purchasing $10-20 a month on e-published short stories a month. There are some great e publishers out there. I am really disappointed that one publisher didn't let me save the story to a disc and I could only download it twice. Huh! It was a super erotic short story from Breathless Press that wasn't very good anyway but I would have liked to have a copy since I purchased it.
The second reason that I love the epublished short stories is because I don't have a lot of time to read just for entertainment. I work, I have a family and I am trying to write. I have a limited amount of time to get into a story. These e published stories allow me to read a variety of authors. I am also participating in a critique group which requires me to review work of others. An e-reader which allows me to read .rtf or .pdf would be useful when reviewing the work of others in my critique group.
Finally, ebooks save space. I don't mind collecting and or building a library of ebooks because it saves so much space. I have a e bookshelf full of paperback books next to my bed. Recently, I donated a large box of my favorite books to the local library. I hated to part with them. I just wanted to read and re-read them but after watching a few episodes of Horders: Buried Alive, I decided that I would pass them on to the library. I can't wait to start a new collection of ebooks.
As I wrote in my post yesterday, I am looking into purchasing an e-reader. I want to buy some of the longer length stories but I don't think that I could sit at my laptop to read the story.
I posted a message on several blogs that I participate in asking for recommendations. I only received a few replys. I am wondering if authors or aspiring authors are actually investing in e-readers or are they reading on their laptops only?
Let me know who your favorite e-published authors are? What e-readers do you use? I love comments.