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Saturday, June 28, 2014

Looking Back at June 2014!

Me in Egypt - December 1985

Month in Review

  • Attended the Pirates Festival in Vallejo - Took hubby for Father's Day. Inspired to write a pirates book, as if there aren't a million stories already out there but I want to write a good pirate story.

Guy at Vallejo pirates festival that builds these over the wheelchair type scooters

  • Visit from Uncle Charles. 

    Uncle Charles and the grand nieces and nephews.
  • Remembered Auntie Becky.
  • Purchased fresh roses for self twice this month. One of my favorite tranquility tools.
  • Completed mystery and suspense workshop on
  • Applied for scholarship to book passages mystery writers conference
  • Took son to pediatrician for mangled finger, took son for x-rays of mangled finger, made appointment for follow-up with orthopedist for still mangled but not broken finger.
  • Cleaned house top to bottom for anticipation of mother in law and sister in law's visit. 
  • Finished one Harlequin Love Inspired Suspense novel to find out what they are publishing right now.
  • Ordered a number of Eleanor Taylor Bland novels and short story collections from the library to research what she wrote as an African American crime writer. Thinking about applying for the Eleanor Taylor Bland award from Sisters in Crime.
  • Ate 2 pizza hut pizzas. Fasted for one week before and after. Walked daily 3+ miles for three weeks.
    Weigh exactly the same as I did when I started.
  • Flirted with high school football players at practice until son said leave him and his friends alone.
  • Started new book at Wednesday women's bible study group at church.
  • Wrote out and studied 20 some bible verses.
  • Picked strawberries from garden. The only thing that is growing.
  • Asked neighbor to move his cars from the lawn and from the side of the house and park them on the driveway or the street. He did.
  • Manicure Pedicure.
  • Found old pictures of myself on Egypt trip when I was 21 years old. (See above)
  • Found out old boyfriend that I knew when I was 20 and he was 29 years old was dead. Died 4 years ago at the age of 54 years old. Found his obituary online.

Wishlist for July
Complete SavvyAuthors BootCamp - Make some progress on one of 2 mystery novels.
Attend Book Passage Mystery Writers Conference
Host Family for 4th of July BBQ
Attend Oakland A's Baseball game on 4th of July

Friday, June 6, 2014

Week in Review!

  • Rejoined Savvy Authors as a premium member.
  • Signed up for another mystery writing class. 2nd of 3 to complete writing class goal for 2014
  • Dug manuscript up out of the hard drive. Looked at it. Haven't written a word. Waiting for muse to wake up.
  • Wrote out 20 bible verses to memorize.
  • Attended women's group at church.
  • Applied for two positions-in house transfers.
  • Walked two days at lunch this week.
  • Listed 3 things on ebay including pink cowboy boots and a fur coat.
  • Shipped one item that sold on ebay.
  • Cleared three shopping bags of clothing from closet. 
  • Packed one bag of stuff from daughter's closet with her assistance and consent.
  • Joined Book Club on - Meets once a month (I'm excited for another in person women's group)
  • Watched 4 episodes of "Say Yes to the Dress" with hubby on Friday evening while eating chicken wings and fish sticks for dinner.
  • Watched 2 episodes of "I Found the Gown" instead of writing on Friday evening.
  • Completed assignment #1 for writing class. Identify who my ideal reader is. 
  • Pulled out pictures of beloved Auntie Becky who passed in 2009.

My ideal reader loves romance with a lot of sexual tension. She's open minded and enjoys stories with multicultural characters who defy stereotypes. I would like a reader who purchases and reads e-books published by small independent publishers as well as major best sellers. 
She reads e-books, paper books, magazines, and internet articles on a variety of subjects. 
My ideal reader would love celebrity gossip but hate watching reality television shows. 
She enjoys eating rich foods, gentle exercise and watching men participate in sports such as boxing, baseball and basketball. 
She wears nice clothes, takes care of her skin and works outside the home. 
She's married with children and dreams of traveling to far away places once her children are grown and independent.

Weekend Wishlist

  • Attend one Meetup group event for Natural Hair
  • List 5 or more items on eBay for sale.
  • Sign up for Publishers event on Savvy Authors if I sell the fur coat on eBay.
  • Write 1000 words on novel.
  • Get a manicure.
  • Prepare memorial collage/scrapbook of photos of Auntie Becky this weekend.