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Saturday, March 9, 2013

2013 January - February

2013 came in with a bang. My beloved hubby was hospitalized for the first four days of the year due to a mild stroke. I tried to journal and blog the event but I was so over come with anxiety, work, caregiving, and work that I couldn't get the words on the paper. He is so beloved by everyone ( family, friends, co-workers) that I was overwhelmed with visitors few if any offered me much assistance or comfort. My sister did make dinner for my family and visitor on the day he returned home from the hospital.  We spent the months of January and early February going back and forth to medical appointments and consulting with specialists. He has recovered nicely and has returned to work and normal activities. We are truly blessed and the lessons I learned from this experience is that tomorrow isn't promised so live life to the fullest and take care of yourself.

It took a while for hubby to accept what had happened to him, get over the fear and recognize that he was going to be okay. Immediately after his hospitalization, I asked the physician if I should cancel the trip we had planned for February. The doctor said that hubby should be okay to travel so I didn't cancel the trip. I guess I just had faith. Hubby wasn't so confident and he waited until he had the okay from the neurologist before he relaxed and got excited about the trip. More about the trip later.

I managed to maintain work committments but have decided that I am very unhappy about my current work assignment. I was passed over for a 2nd program specialist position. Which is just a well. It is time to move on. I continue to support a number of teams but don't have the same support from others. I am bored and overwhelmed at the same time. My supervisor continues to offer critique my work and provide "coaching" that is neither supportive, informative nor encouraging. *Shrug*

I'm practicing sharing my feelings, speaking up and implementing the suggestions that they offer but that isn't getting through to the higher ups and I feel like I am "whining" about my work instead of being heard and valued. Others at work were also passed over for promotions and the morale at the office is just a mess.

2013 Recap
  • Hubby and I attended a fund raiser for the Cameron House in San Francisco for our March date night.
  • Well hubby and I spent a two week "date night" with each other on the cruise. Yeah fun!

  • I continue to put away a little money for future travel and fun but haven't paid off my cruise expenses.
  • I have purchased some new clothes for the spring. $$ I received some complements from my husband about a shirt I had. He said "This is the way he likes to see me dressed." I guess he prefers something stylish from my Quacker Factory shirts. I have also been watching my favorite show What Not to Wear and realize that I could probably do better.
  • I continue to stay on a monthly budget.

  • I have decided to take the California Bar Exam again. The exam is in late July. I have "options" you know. I don't have to stay in a deadend job when I have other possibilities to explore. I have started by repurchasing some books to study with . I am re-reading the study guides/ outlines from the Bar Review classes that I took a few years ago. Yeah me!
  • I applied and got an interview with WellPoint/ Health Net for a Health Promotion Manager position. Yeah!
  • Assisted son with application to middle college high school
  • Got stuff for daughters cheerleader show where she needed a "costume".
Plans for the next month
  • Blog article about the cruise. Write online review.
  • Judge entries for the Fab 5 RWA writing contest and return comments to organizing committee.
  • Scrapbook pictures of vacation
  • Manicure/ pedicure
  • Visit from daughter in College
  • Easter decorate/ cook
  • Stay abstinate from sugar and starches.
  • Get car door sensor fixed.
  • Go to the gym at least 2 x a week.

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