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Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Creativity Exercise from Julia Cameron & Kimberly Wilson

 I continue to follow my favorite blogger Kimberly Wilson.

On a recent blog post she summarizes her visit to New York City where she visited Julia Cameron and heard her speak on The Artists Way.

Kimberly also penned her answers to some questions that were presented during the discussion.

As I am on a quest to improve my creativity and especially work on my writing, I answered the questions below. It turned out to be an enlightening experience as I realized that I am creative in so many ways.



fill in the blank:

Artists are amazing.

list 5 imaginary lives and 5 actions to get you closer to them


·         Write, Read, Edit, Study, Write


·         Study, Intern, Network, Join, Practice


·         Create reliable income, Get time, Companion, Maintain health, Research


·         Business Plan Create, Funding, Network, Intern Experience,


LIST 15 things that make you happy
Color, Modern Design, ebay finds, organization, hubby, kids, beauty, yoga, exercise, summer, warm climates, travel, planning, research, day dreaming, writing, creating


5 things you love

·         My hubby

·         My backyard in summer,

·         A good book,

·         Good food,

·         Entertaining


what do i need to know?

·         California Law,

·         How to network,

·         How to make and keep friends,

·         How to budget and save money,

·         How to earn money and invest


what do i need to do?

·         Pass the Bar

·         Study for the bar

·         Outline my book

·         Finish outline books

·         Finish writing book

·         Find critique partners


what do i need to try?


Rollerblade Dancing
what do i need to accept?
  • My children are growing up and  becoming independent.
  • I have a short period of time until I need to retire 15-20 years and it will go fast.
  • I have to change my eating and exercise habits to maintain my health
  • I need to max out my retirement account.
  • I am fabulous.
Rate these areas of your life (think wheel of life) and list 1 action to enhance each category:

·         Spirituality 3 – Find a church home.

·         Exercise 2-3 – Just do it.

·         Play – 3 – Enjoy self more.

·         Work, 3 - Focus

·         Friends 2 –Make some.

·         Romance 4 – Spend more time together

·         Adventure 3 – Take more risks

Rate areas of your body and list 1 action to improve the area

·         Hair – Condition, Nurture

·         Feet – Regular pedicures

Rate areas of you home and list 1 action to improve the area

·         Bathroom 1 – Paint

·         Bedroom 2 – Paint, De-clutter

·         Living Room 3 – New furniture

Fill in the blank:

·         If I didn't have to do it perfectly, I’d try to make friends by talking to more people.

Fill in the blank:

·         I’d love to travel.

List 5 ways you are mean to yourself

·         Eat too much

·         Not sleeping enough

·         Isolate from others

·         Not exercising

·        Getting angry that I am not where I want to be.

List 5 actions to be kinder to self

·         Kind words

·         Make friends

·         Exercise

·         Sleep

Fill in the blank:

·         An adventure I’d love to have is traveling for an extended period of time on a cruise.

5 things you really love doing

·         Planning

·         Research

·         Decorating

·         Entertaining

·         Travel

5 characteristics you want in a creativity god

·         Sense of humor

·         Experience

·         Compassion

·          Talent

Pen a note to your creativity god on where you are and where you need help

Dear Creativity God,

I have been on a quest to explore many creative pursuits. In the past I have taken classes and tried my hand at interior design, sewing, scrap booking, stencil painting walls, writing, jewelry making, gardening, digital online at ,, entering contests, journaling.

I need help in getting ideas flowing, remaining consistent, and staying focused. I need help in knowing what I am good at, becoming good at something, and developing my craft whatever it may be.



Pen note back to self from creativity god

Dear Pam.

KEEP doing what you are doing. Follow your heart. When you lose track of time when you are doing something then that is a sign that you may have found something that is important to you and your heart.

I UNDERSTAND the need to find a space for you to pursue your activities and interests. It will come. I encourage you to set aside some money to buy a small shed or trailer or other structure to utilize for your writing, crafting, creative space. You should also remember that it will not be long before your children move out into the world and pursue their own life. At that time, the rooms they use as bedrooms will be available for you to use.

 I encourage you to pay attention to what has been working for you so far.


·         Continue to explore different art forms that interest you.

·         Take classes, workshops and courses.

·         Participate in writers groups whether or not you feel they are benefiting you.

·         Outline your stories ahead of time.

·         Sit in the same spot every morning.

·         Participate in programs where you have to provide accountability such as GIAM 100X100. There may be others.

·         Continue to work with what you are working with. 

·         Write blog posts

·         Follow life coaches, complete their questionnaire

·         Join web groups


REMEMBER that your current and most important project at this time is raising your children. You are helping them become the young people who will grow into young adults.

It is also important to remember that you are a creative person in many aspects of your life already. It is important to acknowledge the beautiful things that we create just by existing in the universe,.


ACKNOWLEDGE your creativity is also evident in every aspect of your life whether or not you realize it or not. It is apparent in the way that you decorate for Christmas. Your tree, your mantle and your table are examples of your creative work. Getting together the Christmas party and the presents for your family is an expression of creativity. You exhibited much creativity when you designed your vow renewal ceremony last year. You are creating when you plan your wardrobe for next year’s cruise. The way you dress each day is an expression of your creativity.


APPRECIATE the opportunities you have to explore your creativity and experiment with different art forms. The fact you get to travel and learn and make mistakes. These are all forms of creative expression.                              

Your creativity goddess.

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