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Friday, January 2, 2015

2015 Goals

Personal Goals include:
Track Food on My Fitness Pal App
Eat vegetarian at least 4 out of 7 days
Walk 4 out of 7 days per week
Go camping at least 2 times this year
Attend at least 3 Outdoor Afro events
Attend at least 2 Girlfriends Social Events
Pay down Visa card balance
Keep hair natural/ No Weave in 2015
Attend at least 1 scrapbook crop this year
Create drought resistant garden in front yard
Update blog 2X per month
Writing Goals for 2015

Become PRO w/ Romance Writers of America RWA
Complete the 2 in progress Novels Deadly Treasures, Deadly Rumors
Find Critique Partner/ Partners
Obtain Agent representations
Complete 2+ erotic novels
Complete at least 2 writing courses
Enter at least 3 RWA writing contests for feedback and potential bragging writes
Attend at least 1 writers conference to network and meet potential agents
Join local RWA chapters
Join Sisters in Crime - Northern California Chapter
Attend at least 3 local chapter meetings of each.

2014 Goal Review

My goals for 2014 included:
Create/plant a low water / drought tolerant front yard garden. - NOT ACCOMPLISHED
Get a new refrigerator - NOT ACCOMPLISHED
Clear clutter from my closet - ACHIEVED
Complete writing at least 2 novellas - IN PROGRESS
Mentor - Erotic Romance in Progress
Publish at least 2 novellas on Smashwords - NOT ACCOMPLISHED
Enter at least 3 writing contests (RWA) ACHIEVED
Wisconsin RWA Fab 5
Utah RWA Great Beginnings
Mystery Writers Workshop Scholarship
Complete at least 3 writing workshops - ACHIEVED
Putting the Suspense in your Romance by Dee Lloyd 10/13/14-11/2/2014
Completing your Mystery by Jacqueline Corcoran 6/2-6/29/2014
Savvy Authors Summer Boot Camp
Attend at least 3 professional networking events (public health / legal or general) ACHIEVED
Attended courses through UC Berkeley
Take at least 3 professional business management courses/ workshops POSTPONED
Write business plan for plus size swimwear cover up line - CANCELLED
Save at least $2500 cash - NOT ACCOMPLISHED
Sell stuff at least $500 merchandise at 2 doll shows - PARTIAL
Sell at least $500 merchandise at 2 or more Flea Markets -NOT ACCOMPLISHED
Attend at least 2 scrapbook crop / retreats -ACHIEVED
Scrapbook Expo Pleasanton, Ca March 2014
 Scrapbook Expo Santa Clara, Ca August 2014
Build a greenhouse for garden vegetables - DEFERRED
Other Writing Goals Accomplished
Rejoined Romance Writers of America National
Joined Sisters in Crime National
New Laptop Computer
Purchased new copy of Microsoft Word
Completed 51000 words on new Novel Deadly Voyage
Completed 30000 words on Deadly Treasures