- My husband traveled for work for almost two weeks and returned home safely. Blessings!
- I kept everything running smoothly at home, I think. I've two teenagers at home who are too young to drive but are very active in after school activities and sport. I found myself running back and forth to the high school.
- I started cleaning out my closet.
- Sold some items on ebay. Earned $200. The fees on ebay are getting ridiculous. Ebay now charges a final value fee on the shipping fees. Sigh!
- Visited my mom and dad.
- Stayed on low carb, high veggie diet for two weeks. Fell off but getting back to it.
- Took my car to get inspected and tuned up. Saved the money to pay for it. So I don't have to charge it. Smile!
- Reread my favorite erotic romance The Twelve Dancing Princesses published by Harlequin Spice.
- Discoverd pinterest and began adding pictures to my pinterest pages. http://pinterest.com/mspamoore/
- Began planning my next vacation with hubby and teens. February? Next Fall?
- Continued reading CruiseCritic.com forums for information on various cruises.
- Kept up with Twitter. participated in twitter chat with Leslie Blodgett and nordstrom beauty.
- Began preparing entry for next RWA writing contest.
- Placed 2nd in the Duel in the Delta RWA Contest in the Romantic Suspense category.
- Following inspirations from Ivanya Vizant online, on twitter and her new show.
- Completed the beginnings of a massive project that my director has wanting to get accomplish.
- Trained new manager and assumed some of his responsibilities. I had applied for the position but didn't get it although now I'm explaining stuff to him. Le Sigh! Boss is noticing. I think.
- Get back to writing.
- Do some scrapbooking.
- Resume Exercising and Diet.
Coming Soon! October & November & December
- My birthday.
- Scrapbook Expo in Sacramento, CA
- R.Kelly concert
- Our wedding anniversary. One year vow renewal anniversary!
- Halloween
- Thanksgiving trip to Southern California
- Christmas
- New Years