Butterfly Swords was a good story set in 8th century China. The story is about Princess Ai Li who is running away from the man her father has arranged for her to marry. Ryam, a blue eyed warrior from a foreign land, saves her during her escape attempt. He reluctantly agrees to assist her in getting home to her family.
I felt the story dragged a bit. The journey to her home took forever. He's worried about a battle where he lost all his men. He's worried about getting back to his home. He's worried about a coming war. I wasn't particularly attracted to him.
The other characters they met along the road to Ai Li's home seemed more interesting to me than the main characters Ai Li and Ryam. Once she gets back to the Emperor's palace, Ai Li has to convince her family that she did the right thing leaving Li Tao, her bridegroom. Of course it all works out and there is an epic sword battle between the hero and the bridegroom. It's a Harlequin story so the story has a happy ending. I was hoping that there would be more about Ai Li's Grandmother who is the one who taught her the butterfly swords. In conclusion, Butterfly Swords was a good story but not great. Jeannie Lin gives us a feel for the time period, the costumes and the political tension. I did enjoy it enough though to want to read the next book in the series.

Ling Suyin was a character who was introduced in Butterfly Swords and I wanted to read more about her. I was so excited to see she was re-introduced in this story. She has such a surprising history and experience that you can't help but fall in love with her .
Li Tao is hardcore. He's been there and done it all. Very attractive hero.
The other characters add to the story and don't distract. The settings are easy to visualize and pleasant. I could almost feel the silk and see the beautiful countryside. The flashbacks add a great depth to understanding the characters. They flashbacks are short and too the point. Many stories flip back and forth with flashbacks and you get lost. Not with this story. There is just enough back story thrown in to give you an understanding of where the characters are coming from. Love it.
The story is sensual but not quite erotic.
I plan on purchasing the other stories this author has written. Jeannie Lin is an excellent story teller.
5 Kisses XXXXX
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